Our Expertise

We are the task force for your projects
TASQ works throughout Switzerland and offers à la carte services to represent you and assist you with your projects, whether they are real estate, industrial or infrastructure.

As an Assistant Project Owner or Project Owner Representative, TASQ assists you in all the phases of your project, from the development of the strategy to the commissioning of the operation, including the definition of objectives, the planning of procedures, the organisation and definition of milestones, and the monitoring of planning and completion. We support you as advisers, construction specialists and project managers and we monitor deadlines, costs and quality. We integrate ourselves flexibly into the project organisation through a task-force role or an online subordinate role.

A project manager for the Project Owner

While real estate operations are increasingly complex (environmental, regulatory requirements, etc.), a player with comprehensive expertise, and veritable all-rounder in construction, is increasingly getting attention: the Assistant Project Owner. But do you know exactly what it involves? 

Faced with the scope of the mission, Project Owners can call on specialist "Assistant Project Owners" or "Project Owner Representatives". In both cases, these are offices mandated by the Project Owner to assist it in all or part of its tasks throughout the project. Their profile is similar, as they are experienced specialists in the fields of construction and public procurement, familiar with the tools of cost management, deadlines and project management.

  • The Assistant Project Owner partially assists the Project Owner, acting as a competent expert on specific missions.
  • The Project Owner Representative assists and represents the Project Owner in all its tasks.

The Assistant Project Owner and the Project Owner Representative do not provide the services of architect and do not replace the Project Owner either: the latter remains the sole decision-maker. The role of the Assistant Project Owner and the Project Owner Representative is therefore to complement the skills and availability of the Project Owner.

Why turn to an Assistant Project Owner?

A market that has become more complex, with greater normative, technical and legislative requirements, a specialisation of trades in the real estate sector, more stringent customer requirements, etc. Turning to an Assistant Project Owner has many advantages.

Managing a project requires solid cross-functional skills. At many stages, the expertise of an Assistant Project Owner can be invaluable in optimising and making your projects even more successful. Proactive assistance helps guide the Project Owner in his constructive and real estate choices, taking into account normative, constructive, qualitative, economic and time factors.

Managing a project can be time-consuming for the Project Owner. Meetings, administrative tasks before carrying out works, during the works or on acceptance: an Assistant Project Owner can, for all or part of the project, relieve you of these essential tasks. We support you effectively so that you can focus on your core business: saving time and money.

Hazards are common in construction and throughout the project. Faced with these unforeseen events, an experienced Assistant Project Owner will be able to make quick decisions and find alternatives to resolve the situation and remain faithful to the ambitions and requirements of the project. In addition, the Assistant Project Owner is an external, independent and objective advisor with whom to discuss and objectively analyse your ideas and choices, without bias or preconceived ideas. The intervention of an Assistant Project Owner also provides access to all information in a clear and intelligible way, thanks to an appropriate reporting tool.

Calling on an Assistant Project Owner will give you real peace of mind as to the conformity of your building and its consistency with your expectations and initial objectives.

The Assistant Project Owner provides you with its comprehensive expertise by providing you with technical, administrative and financial monitoring and ensures the collaboration of professionals best suited to your objectives.

Our Services

TASQ offers a wide range of offers for tailor-made support. Discover our other services right away.